Building an Attractive Culture
Dec 31, 2024Employers Cannot Ignore The Stats.
The current landscape is riddled with burnt out employees who don’t think to highly of their employer. Understanding exactly where Canadians are right now will allow you to look at your current team of employees and see where the risks are, and where you could improve.
It’s All About The Environment You Create
Looking inward will allow you to attract outward. Debbie shares a key insight that in her 20 years, too many leaders lose sight of.
Knowing What Employees Are Yearning For Gives Top Employers The Edge
It can feel overwhelming on where to start. Debbie provides the ESSENTIAL 1ST STEP that leaders can take right now to make their culture more attractive.
Want An Attractive Culture? Stop Giving Them Pizza!
Debbie shares how she often see’s businesses get their focus wrong. By understanding basic principles in human psychology organisations can create a stable foundation for everything to flourish.
Designing BRAGGABLE Benefits and Compensation
Tyler suggests removing the friction out of the empoyee benefits experience and provide greater continuity of programs can lead to employees raving about their benefits program.
How You Terminate People Impacts Your Attractiveness
Employees are watching you all the time. How well you let people go will determine the speed at which you’re able to recruit, the level of productivity that is achieved and the amount of trust that is created,
The Simple, Low Cost 1st Step To Improving Your Culture
Engagement surveys outsourced to a third party will allow a business to get truthful insight, in-house surveys just cannot provide.